Janet Nahirniak
May 21, 20234 min read
I’m pulling my hair out over here!
Every Behaviour Serves a Need: Case Study–Trich Trichotillomania or Trich, is the overwhelming urge to pull out hair—on the head,...

Janet Nahirniak
Nov 12, 20224 min read
What If Your Reality Isn't Real?
All philosophical debate aside, what if what you think of as reality isn't necessarily *real* at all? What if your mind works as a...

Janet Nahirniak
Mar 18, 20217 min read
Hypnosis & Your Super-Helpful Subconscious Mind
HYPNOSIS—WHAT TO EXPECT Will I be knocked out, with no memory? Or cluck like a chicken? No. Not at all. Stage hypnosis, which is what...